Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Recipe Cards

For over two years I've been wanting to make recipe cards 
and get my meal planning off of my phone and into the kitchen. 
(Seems more appropriate, doesn't it?)

I kept telling myself to wait until I got a handy program like Photoshop or Corel Painter, because it'd be easier and better looking.
Well, I got one of those handy programs last week, and guess where I made these recipe cards this afternoon. . .
. . .MS Word. True Story.
"Why?", you ask

Well, it's a lot harder to learn Corel Painter than I thought it would. 
Lame, I know, but I'm just so comfortable with my old ways. 
(Which leads me to my next project)
Learn Corel Painter
If any of you have tips/tricks please share!
(Or if you can just run a class and let me attend -fo free- that'd be great, too ツ)
 What do you guys do as far as recipe cards/meal planning/eating, ha!
I'd love to hear,


  1. These recipe cards are awesome! We were given a recipe book compiled by Vince's family when we got married. I still copy all the recipes that I use into the recipe cards in that book. It's fun to write things out and not have to read it off of the computer screen. :)

  2. Thanks, Lindsey! I have my grandma's old cookbook with her recipe cards (just pink index cards actually) and I really want to start building off of what she gave me.

    Something about family traditions that are so heartwarming!

  3. I don't use recipe cards for most of my cooking, the occasional family baked good yes--but not for an everyday thing. I like using apps on my phone or ipad for creating my meals for the week, and then on my ipad i can simply create my shopping list from that. Super easy, no paper to keep track of (I'll lose it) and it's all there at the touch of a button. But I do like your card design, it's cute. :-)


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