Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekend Update!

Can you believe it's Monday already!? Where does the time go?

Since time does seem to move so quickly, I am becoming more and more thankful for the chance to reflect on each weekend with y'all and hear about some of the great things you did, too!

This weekend was pretty low-key.

With the Fourth of July celebrations on Thursday, we didn't do too much on anything else.
Ha! We were pretty lazy I suppose. (I think keeping our apartment so warm has been draining us of energy... and motivation... and water weight lol)
Friday - I worked from 4-10. Simple as that.
 Saturday - I slept in, went to work, and then came home to dinner made by the hubs.
It's so lovely coming home from work and not worrying about what to make/eat.

Then, we went over to Tanger Outlets (our first time at the one near Pittsburgh) and we did a little shopping for Dave. He has been waiting for quite some time for a good sale there, and boy, did he find one. The entire store was 50% off! (Which makes it just about normal price, but the clothes there fit him so well, it's worth it.) 

Sunday - We went to church, had a meeting about our mission trip (which you'll hear more about, soon!), and then went to go on our monthly crepe date. Unfortunately, our favorite little place was closed for the holiday, so we went to our second favorite place (just a regular restaurant, no crepes) and ate there instead. It was tasty, but I'm still a little sad about not getting crepes.

Later in the evening we hosted some of our friends for dinner and study. 
It's such a blessing to be able to share with, grow with, learn from, and pray with such Jesus-loving and thoughtful couples. They have been such a blessing to us and our transition to Pittsburgh, and I'm so grateful for their friendship. 

Well, that's that!
How was your weekend?

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