Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Few of my Favorite Things; Food

It's officially Fall. 
Which means winter's coming & I'll be packing on my hibernation weight. 
(I think I was designed to hibernate... True story.)

Anyway, with that in mind, and cold weather on the way (and already here some days), I figured I'd share with you a few of my favorite foods. They're great all year round really, but since I eat just about double in the colder months, I thought now would be a good time to share. 
TJ's Dark Chocolate

Considering how much of it we eat, I'm rather price conscience of it. We used to buy our quinoa at Costco, but recently they switched suppliers which raised the prices - boo. Now we're getting it from our local grocer, which sells their own by weight, and is actually super affordable. Do a little price comparison before you buy it. You may be surprised where you find a good deal.
One of our favorite ways to eat it is in this casserole.

Goat cheese, Feta, Gruyere, Cheddar, Brie... you name it, I'll eat it.
Whether it's feta tossed in a salad, Gruyere in my favorite (quinoa) patties, or shredded cheddar on a tortilla as a quick lunch, we always have it stocked in our fridge.
Also, Brie is particularly popular this time of year as a side or appetizer to any dinner party.
Bake it, pair it with a favorite jam, and tasty crackers, and your mouth with thank you.

Black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans... again, I'll each just about all of them.
After making salsa and cold bean salads in the summer you can take these into the winter and make some tasty chili's, soups, and stews.

Corn Muffins
These are a bit of a comfort food, but oh-so-easy and scrumptious! 
I always have a box or two on hand, and every once in a while I'll pop a batch in the oven (wait impatiently for 15-20 minutes) and then gobble them up. 
You can also pair these with your chili and stew from those aforementioned beans, yum!

What are some of your favorite things - food wise?

This post is part of a short series of my favorite things
I'm always looking to share and exchange favorites/traditions/recipes, etc. so I figured this would be a fun way to try and do that. Feel free to write your own post, share some of your favorites in the comments, and/or link-up below!


  1. Oh my gosh, I love those Jiffy corn muffins too! So yummy and easy! :o) Love this link up girl, I will be participating for sure! :o)

  2. Now I'm hungry for chili and corn muffins. And cheese! haha I love food :)

  3. I love cheese too! Gonna be linking up next time Niq! :D


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