Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Frugal & Fabulous Fourth of July Fun!

With Independence Day just a week away I wanted to share some crafts, treats, and activities to try.
(Super Easy) Red, White, & Blue Garland
You could use rubber cement to glue the sides together, but I like the look of it like this.
Healthy, patriotic treats
Target has a great selection of fireworks. Sparklers are my personal favorite.
Clever sparkler safety!

1. President Guess Who - As an educator, I'm all for incorporating educational games into holidays. I mean, why not learn some history while munching on some BBQ?
2. Firework Pom Poms - Easy, crafty, and cute!
3. Firework Art - Make sure you add enough water, and don't hold back with the colors either. Fireworks are always so colorful!

And of course, don't forget to document your fun!
Dave & Me last year
 Happy 4th!

P.S. What are some things you like to do on the Fourth of July?

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