Monday, May 13, 2013

Weekend Update

Friday: Lounged, Hulued (yes, I just made Hulu a verb), ate, repeat.

Saturday: More lounging then work at Anthro.
Which, if I may add, is super fun. I love the fact that I (have to) get dressed up and put make-up on and such. It's the complete opposite of me getting ready for work as a nanny haha

Sunday: To honor our history as Presbyterians, our church 'celebrated' with a Scottish Reformation service and we had a lovely bag piper, men in kilts, delectable Scottish snacks, as well as a group of traditional Scottish dancers! It was such a joy to relive a bit of our trip to Scotland.

Side note... During our freshman year of college Dave and I traveled to Scotland for Spring Break with 60+ other students as part of a "Spring Preview" our university offered.
It was a wonderful trip and we definitely left a piece of our hearts in that lusciously green land!

(Also, I didn't take any picture this weekend - which is weird for me - so I hope you enjoy and don't mind some throwbacks from Scotland!)

How was your weekend?


  1. I've always wanted to go to Scotland! Looked like a fun weekend for ya :)

  2. I have yet to visit Scotland but it's on my hit list! I have been to Ireland though and that was equally beautiful :)


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